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Workforce Hope Latam | Empleadores

We understand your need.

I want to Hire

Are labor shortages threatening your operations?

 You're not alone. 

Workforce Hope Latam
The Problem is close to home
In Q1 2023, prior to engaging with WFH, one employer hired 39 times, and is down one headcount.

We need a fresh, longterm workforce solution

Workforce Hope provides recruitment and immigration services to Canada, the United States and Mexico at scale to meet our clients' current and future workforce needs.

Have you calculated your turnover cost?

The cost of turnover ranges on industry and level of position. Many in-house and third-party estimates are showing between several thousand dollars for hourly workers, and as much as 2x annual salary. Factors Include:

• Recruitment and signing bonuses 

• Onboarding 

• Training costs 

• Lost productivity 

• Customer service errors 

• Impact on employee morale 

Where are we located?

Workforce Hope Latam | Presencia mundial
United States

How it works?



We gather and verify documents from applicants through recruitment teams around the world.



Once candidates are verified, they are then added to the applicant pool for matching with job postings. Employers work with their dedicated WFH Relationship Manager to review the applicant pool to find the right candidates for their job postings.


Legal Processing

When matched with a job, our legal team begins the appropriate visa processing for the candidate.



The relationship management team works on logistics to bring the new employee to the region.  



Workforce Hope Foundation and the Relationship Management Team work alongside your team and community to welcome and resettle the new employee. 

If you're interested in recruiting, fill out form below

Contact for employers

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